Ablaze Ministries has a team of talented speakers available to assist at your next event. We would love to partner with you to provide high quality ministry at your next youth night, retreat, conference, ministry training, etc. This team has the expertise and experience over their years in ministry to help bring your dream for the event to fruition.
As a bonus, our team is not only available to be booked individually, but we can build a team to run an event on your behalf. We look forward to hearing from you!


(Psst…flip over the speakers’ headshot to see an action shot!!)

Chris Bartlett

Ministry Training – Staff Development – Evangelization

Chris Bartlett has been in youth ministry for over 18 years. In his time as a youth minister and diocesan director, he has learned what it takes to be a great ministry leader. He is great for training a ministry team, working through staff development and his gift as a story teller makes him one of the most intriguing speakers available.


Ministry Training – Staff Development – Ministry Organization

Matt Rice has been in youth ministry for over 18 years and uses his knowledge and experience gained along the way to empower and equip ministry leaders to strive for excellence today. As the President and Founder of Ablaze, he uses his leadership and staff development skills every day and can help your next training be a huge success.

Alyssa Trutter

Prayer/Interior Life – Ministry Training – Women’s Ministry

Alyssa Trutter is not only a veteran in youth ministry, but one of the holiest people you will ever meet! Her style of speaking is that of a loving mother caring for her children. Every time she speaks, the listeners feel the deep love of Christ & are inspired to deepen their relationship with Him.


Ministry Training – Evangelization – Missions (foreign/domestic)

P.J. has been in youth ministry for 15 years. He is passionate and driven to help lead people of all ages into a deeper relationship with God through our Catholic faith. In 2015, his family moved to Haiti and served as missionaries for two years, focusing on serving the poor and bringing Jesus to everyone they encountered. Today, he has that same desire, to serve others, and to share Jesus wherever he goes.

Brian Baudoin

Magician/Entertainment – Evangelization – Men’s Ministry

Brian Baudoin grew up around the Church and has been involved in youth ministry for 9 years. He now serves as the Bryan Office Director for Ablaze, helping to form younger youth ministers and lead teens to Christ. Brian is Cajun boy, passionate LSU fan and impressive illusionist.

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