A Prayer Ministry for Fallen Away Catholics

St. Monica is the mother of St. Augustine, who prior to his conversion, could not have been further from the Church and a relationship with Jesus. But his mother was persistent. She prayed for 33 years for the total conversion of her son and for her husband, and they both converted. St. Augustine became a priest, a bishop, a famous Catholic writer, founder of religious priests, and one of the greatest saints that ever lived. This is why we have taken St. Monica as the patroness of this ministry. 

Through St. Monica’s Army we build up an army of prayer warriors for each person that attends. The more you attend these prayer services, the more prayer warriors you enlist for you and your loved ones. It is  our hope that this resource bears fruit in the lives of your parishioners. 

Included below is a .zip file with a leader’s guide, an invitation card, and a printable St. Monica prayer cards that you can print for your parish. We highly recommend that you purchase and read a copy of Brandon Vogt’s book, “Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church”, and if possible make them available to those who will attend your prayer times either for purchase or as a gift to them. 

Come join us in prayer!


One Response

  1. God has also been guiding to bring back fallen away Catholics, I came across your St. Monica’ Army a while back and God kept putting this in my heart, so I spoke to our parish priest and he thought this was a great idea and I absolutely love this especially since I too was a fallen away catholic and through the power of the Holy Trinity brought me back to His church, because He had plans for me. I wanted to say thank you for having that same passion. St. Monica has been interceding for me for a while now for the conversion of my husband, he isn’t quite there yet but is closer than he was, all Glory to God. God speed!

St. Monica's Army

A Prayer Ministry for Fallen Away Catholics

St. Monica is the mother of St. Augustine, who prior to his conversion, could not have been further from the Church and a relationship with Jesus. But his mother was persistent. She prayed for 33 years for the total conversion of her son and for her husband, and they both converted. St. Augustine became a priest, a bishop, a famous Catholic writer, founder of religious priests, and one of the greatest saints that ever lived. This is why we have taken St. Monica as the patroness of this ministry. 

Through St. Monica’s Army we build up an army of prayer warriors for each person that attends. The more you attend these prayer services, the more prayer warriors you enlist for you and your loved ones. It is  our hope that this resource bears fruit in the lives of your parishioners. 

Included below is a .zip file with a leader’s guide, an invitation card, and a printable St. Monica prayer cards that you can print for your parish. We highly recommend that you purchase and read a copy of Brandon Vogt’s book, “Return: How to Draw Your Child Back to the Church”, and if possible make them available to those who will attend your prayer times either for purchase or as a gift to them. 

Come join us in prayer!