
Victory In Christ

Over the course of my time in ministry, I’ve noticed something that has never sat well with me. I get to meet all sorts of people, weekly church-going people, and others who used to be involved at their Church but have drifted away. No matter where people are in their faith walk, so many people […]

Walk It Out (God’s Will)

I used to spend too much of my time stressing about my future and what I was supposed to do with it.  What brought me peace in that anxiety was the book of Deuteronomy. I love that book. Through it the Holy Spirit revealed so much to me about following God’s will. 


“You will only go where your fear allows you to go.” Well, isn’t that just a crippling statement? We like to think of ourselves as limitless. In our day to day lives we think, “I will say that hard truth that needs to be said. This time, I know I’m going to do it.”

Longboarding, Vince Lombardi, and a Confessional

Growing up, I had this plaque that had Vince Lombardi’s quote saying “It’s not whether you get knocked down, it’s whether you get back up.” I remember receiving that gift and really being hit hard by it.

Trust Issues

We all know the story: boy meets girl, they fall in love, but girl is too scared to give her heart away. I’m not just talking about any ordinary couple though; I’m talking about the Creator of the universe and us.

Easter, Shawshank Style

Christians have traditionally called themselves an “Easter people” …but what does it mean to be an Easter people when “Easter” means “back to normal”?

For A People So Small

A couple of weeks ago, NASA released the largest photo ever taken. The picture is of the Andromeda galaxy, which is the closest galaxy to ours. There are so many obvious reasons why this is super cool: the 1.5 billion pixel image shows over 100 million stars and travels more than 40,000 light years. One […]

Embracing the Underdog

Quick, think about your favorite movie. Think. Think. Got it? Let me guess, the protagonist is an underdog seeking redemption of some sort. After looking at the top 250 movies of all times listed by IMDB, a common theme presents itself: we like to root for the underdog. We have an affinity for the underdog […]

Ça Va Aller (It Will Be Fine)

From June to November 2013 I lived in Burkina Faso, a small West African country nestled between Mali, Niger, Ivory Coast, and Ghana. It’s a very tiny country, the size of Colorado. It’s landlocked and as a result of that, very poor. It’s considered to be the third poorest country in the world, and the […]