Celina Pinedo

Hometown: Fort Collins, Colorado

Role at Ablaze: High School Campus Minister, Bishop Louis Reicher, Waco, TX 

Contact Info: [email protected]

Education: Benedictine College, B.A. in Evangelization & Catechesis, Theology – 2014

Ministry Background:

Just before my sophomore year of high school, the Lord revealed His abundant love in a powerful way to me. From there, I knew each day of my life I wanted to serve Him. He’s invited me to numerous adventures since then! Each one has been unique and a beautiful opportunity for growth in trust and love. From retreat ministries, to teaching Theology in a Catholic High School, to parish youth ministry, and now on mission with Ablaze, the Lord has led each step of the way.

Passions and Interests: I love spending time with family and friends, especially if playing board games or sitting around a campfire! I enjoy baking, quilting, and photography. Adventures with my dog are always fun, whether exploring a new park or heading on a hike. If you want to get me off on a tangent, ask me about the sacraments or saints!

How did you become involved with Ablaze/why are you involved? In my years of teaching and parish youth ministry before Ablaze, I kept dreaming of a way to serve youth with others. When I met Ablaze missionaries at a conference for youth ministers, I saw a path forward for that vision. The youth of our world are hungry for the Lord and being able to work with fellow missionaries to serve them is an honor and joy.

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