
10 Ways to get your Family Praying

When it comes to prayer, and the purpose of this post, the term family can take on a variety of meanings. Maybe you are a 20 something in a city distant from those who share your last name, consider your family the group that you eat meals with, hang out with, go to church with. […]

The Myth of Priorities

Greg McKeown states in his book Essentialism that “the word priority came into the English language in the 1400s. It was singular. It meant the very first or prior thing. It stayed singular for the next five hundred years. Only in the 1900s did we pluralize the term and start talking about priorities. Illogically, we […]

The Efficient Minister: Meetings & Email

This post is part 2 in the Efficient Minister Series. Check out Part 1 as it features an overview on why time matters particiularly for ministry leaders. Meetings Some say ‘meetings are a necessary evil.’ While I cannot speak to the totality of that statement, most meetings I attend are not necessary. Communication is necessary, […]

For When You Don’t Feel Like It

The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness. — Pope Benedict XVI I have a confession to make. Rarely, do I feel like doing ministry. I don’t feel bad in telling you this. I told some of my youth this the other day during small group. […]

Humility in Ministry

Serving in ministry can often take us in two directions: either you feel inadequate or you feel unstoppable. This is how it is for me, anyway. With a Master’s degree in Theology and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge, it can be really easy for me to feel like I can solve any problem or answer […]

The Efficient Minister: Events & Voicemail

Leaders of ministry often lack many resources: volunteers, money, support… the list could be endless. One of the most vital resources is time. The clock is always ticking as the semester, season, or year blazes by … each minute matters.  Why Time Matters The biggest reason is because most ministers give even when it is imprudent […]

Go From Overwhelmed to Peaceful in 3 (Not So Easy) Steps

My husband and I went to the store the other day and noticed the aisles of school supplies, lunch boxes and backpacks, and Christmas stuff that is making its way to the various departments. Already? What happened to summer? August is right around the corner and is typically filled with not only school preparations, but […]

YM Exposed: Things I Never Thought I’d Do

Whenever you began your youth ministry career you had hopes and aspirations.  You may have been excited to lead teens to Christ, catechize them on the truths of the faith, and build relationships with them.  You probably expected some joys and challenges to take place like teens encountering Christ, occasional difficulties with co-workers or parents, […]

Why Youth Ministers Need to Miss Youth Group

Every year I have a youth group session where I’m intentionally not there.  That’s right, I miss it on purpose.  I set it up to occur in the fall semester, usually October or November.  Some might think that by missing youth group I’m not doing my job, but by missing that session I’m able to do my […]

Big Questions You Need to Ask Yourself Today

 I was able to enjoy the movie Creed, a story from the Rocky series in which Rocky Balboa coaches Apollo Creed’s son against tremendous odds. The last scene features Rocky and Adonis Creed climbing the steps of the Philadelphia Art Museum. As they admire the view, Rocky says, ‘You know if you look hard enough, […]