
How A Mud Run Transformed My View of Christianity

Obstacles I recently completed my 6th Tough Mudder in as many years.  A Tough Mudder is a 10-12 mile obstacles course with 20-25 obstacles and plenty of mud.  They intentionally implement several obstacles that cannot be completed without the help of others. The first year I ran was on the anniversary of the Columbine shooting.  […]

Caught and Not Taught

Think back to last summer. I know for some of us ministers this might be impossible, but humor me for a moment. Yes, since then there have been countless events, meetings, and distractions. But think back to those first few months of planning for this ministry year. Scheduling topics for particular nights, looking through your curriculum, […]

Bruised, Dirty, and Muddy?

This past Saturday, several good friends and I ran a race called the Tough Mudder. We had a lot of fun, worked hard, and got muddy. Afterward, I realized that this race makes an excellent analogy for what the beginnings of many new ministries feel like. Initially it’s scary seeing the course that has been laid […]

I Wish the Saints Were Kidding Sometimes

Part of my Lenten activities this year include reading a book called “A Lenten Journey with Jesus Christ and St. John of the Cross”, by Rev. George Mangiaracina, O.C.D. This book has a reflection for every day in Lent. I have to admit, this hasn’t been easy for me. I am drawn to St. John […]

When Everything is Awful

No matter how many good days you have, how many wonderful friends are in your life, how great your relationship with God is going, how perfect your job is, there will be days when it feels as if everything is crashing in around you and you just don’t want this particular life. There will be […]

Called to Greatness

Here’s the thing. Sometimes, I become unsatisfied with where I am. I’m unhappy with where God had placed me. I get restless. I ask God that if He wants to use me like He said He did, then why hasn’t led me to that place or that team? I complain to Him that I want to go out and […]

What Happens When You Leave

After a short 6 month stint in the Peace Corps, I’d easily estimate I heard the word “sustainability” over a thousand times. Sustainability is the buzzword in the international development community, and for good reason.  The focus of aid has shifted from “giving” to “teaching.” For example, we underwent three months of training, covering cultural […]

3 Tips to Combat Relativism

Well, that’s just your opinion. Don’t force your beliefs on me. Intolerant. Hater. Bigot. These are all things you’ve heard and may have been called.  Why?  Because you’re teaching the truth of Jesus Christ. A few years ago I was in the Austin airport and overheard two teens talking. The girl, who I learned was […]

National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry – 5 Quick Takes

Last weekend, the team from Next Level Ministry was able to attend the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry (NCCYM). Over 3,000 people gathered to discuss how we as ministers and as a Church could better connect Christ to teens and families. Here are my 5 quick takes from the conference. Evangelization > Catechesis Bob […]

The Missionary Life

I didn’t really know what I was getting myself into.   I guess I thought it would be just like any other job transition, or change, or promotion, where you’re given a new title and things shift a little bit. Just a little bit. What I didn’t realize, was that a slight change is never what […]