
If the stars were made to worship so will I.

Each and every one of us is always looking for the answer to the same question: Am I worth it? The reality is, by our very nature, we are worth pursuing. Jesus is constantly chasing down our restless hearts, asking that we only trust in Him. That we pursue Him in return. Our God isn’t some distant God who stands on the top of a mountain waiting for us to climb up to the top to find Him. It’s not some hide and seek game. Our God comes down from the mountain to be with us. Our God seeks us out. Our God became man. He became one of us. He embraced humanity. He died on the cross, so that He could say “I. Love. You.”

This is love. This is adventure. This is pursuit.

Opens 2/27

The first 5 to register get:

  • A different colored t-shirt than everyone else!
  • A prize!

Who: 9th-12th grade
What: Pursuit Retreat
When: April 1-3-2022


2/27 (noon) –
3/4 (noon)



3/4 (12:01pm) –
3/11 (noon)


(no t-shirt)

3/11 (12:01pm) –
3/25 (noon)


(no t-shirt)

3/25 (12:01pm) –


Please fill out the participation waiver here