Ablaze Youth

Parish and School Missions​

Ablaze has sent teams of missionaries to select parishes & schools to run their youth ministry and campus ministry programs. These locations serve as missionary hubs to reach young people for Jesus and His Church. This has also proven to be a unique environment to train and build up future leaders for the field of youth ministry.

Youth Outreach Missions

Almost two years ago God Called Ablaze to get to the streets, to create a space where youth felt like they belonged. Youth Outreach was born from this calling. This is a place that no matter their relationship with the Lord, walk of life etc… youth are welcomed with open arms. Our goal is to build relationship with these youth and walk with them so that when they are ready they will respond to the Lords call in their life!

Learn more about us!

Ablaze Youth carries out dynamic, engaging, and transformational youth ministry in parishes as well as through outreach missions. We work in a team setting, placing missionaries in parishes and neighborhoods to carry out the ministry. We run youth nights, empower volunteers, lead small groups, run retreats and prayer nights, all for the sake of helping young people grow as disciples of Jesus in His Church.

Every Ablaze Missionary is loved, cared for, trained, mentored and challenged to be a better Catholic and minister. We focus on providing three of the things most lacking for youth ministers today: A holy community to work alongside, consistent formation and financial stability.

All of the jobs listed below are considered missionary roles. Ablaze Missionaries are individuals called to serve the Church and participate in the original mission, “to make disciples of all nations,” entrusted by our Savior to the Apostles in Matthew 28:19. Because of this radical connection to the mission of the Church, missionaries of Ablaze Ministries are dependent on raising their own salary while supporting their ministry.

JPII Service Track

  • Serve as full-time missionaries with a one-year commitment
  • With their ministry team, develop and coordinate a youth ministry program, form intentional disciples, and present the faith in a way that is relevant to young people.

John Bosco Leadership Track

  • Serve as full-time missionaries with a three-year commitment
  • This track is specifically designed to build up the next generation of leaders in the field of youth ministry.
  • With their ministry team, develop and coordinate a youth ministry program, form intentional disciples, and present the faith in a way that is relevant to young people.

Missionary Interns

  • Serve as part-time missionaries with a short-term commitment either in the summer or fall, summer or spring semester.
  • Ablaze Ministries provides training throughout the program.
  • Interns support outreach efforts and evangelization within their assigned ministry, growing in ministry experience to later take on a position as a youth minister or campus minister if they choose to do so.

Instead of a stand alone youth minister, there are multiple Ablaze missionaries serving together, carrying out ministry, and mobilizing volunteers to accompany young people in their faith. Each team is composed of a team lead who will mentor the missionaries on the team. This team format creates support for each missionary as they serve, fostering an environment where everyone grows in their relationship with the Lord and their ability to minister.

Yes!! When hired, missionaries meet with the Ablaze leadership team and complete formation at the guidance of the leadership team and their Missionary Team Lead. Ablaze Ministries’ theological formation meets the Diocese of Austin’s requirements for Catechist Level 1 Certification. Missionaries attend the St. John Bosco Conference by the Franciscan University at Steubenville as well as other professional youth ministry conferences and trainings when available.

At first glance, fundraising your salary can be daunting. It was at first for most of our current missionaries. BUT, they would all say it has been a life changing experience as well. The humility and awesome task of inviting other people into the mission that God has called you to is truly one of the most special aspects of missionary life.

This has also been one of the primary reasons many on staff have been able to stay in ministry. As we all know, youth ministry typically doesn’t pay well. The fundraising model adjusts to your financial needs so you are always able to receive a just wage and support yourself(and your family!)

For more information on how this works, click here.

Ablaze Youth team members are missionaries, which means they each have a group of donors sending them on mission, supporting them both through prayers and financial contributions. Instead of paying salaries for youth ministers, parishes partner with Ablaze Youth at a set rate and missionaries are placed within the parish. 

Hire Us!!!!

Looking for a highly qualified speaker, an event team for a retreat, an MC, or musicians? Or are you a Pastor of a church looking for a youth ministry team for your program? Our talented team would love to serve you and your community!

Become a Missionary

Interested in becoming a missionary, intern or a volunteer? If you are passionate about forming the young Church, are ready to revolutionize the way that youth ministry is done, and seek to form a community within the parish you work, for then come work with Ablaze!