Nov 30 – Dec 8 Novena to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception
As a family, say the daily prayers in the Novena to Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, leading up to the feast day on December 8th! You can find the prayer here!

Dec 3 Advent Tradition: Learn About the Jesse Tree
Join us on Facebook Live while Jennifer Stavinoha shares about the Jesse Tree and how to bring this Advent tradition into your home. Join the Facebook group to access this event here.

Dec 6 Saint Nicholas Day  
Celebrate Saint Nicholas on his feast day! Have your children place their favorite pair of shoes next to the fireplace or front door. Tell them about Saint Nicholas and how he surprised others with his generosity by leaving gold coins in their shoes! When children are asleep, leave chocolate gold coins in their shoes for them to find the next morning. You can learn more about this amazing saint here.

Dec 9 Family Scavenger Hunt 
Beyond the Pew will be sharing one of our Family Activities from the December Small Group Series with our entire BTP community! Check our Facebook page on this day to learn more.
Dec 12 Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Saint Juan Diego was visited by Mother Mary on December 9, 1531 while on his way to Mass. Speaking in his native language, Mary asked Juan Diego to tell the bishop to build a shrine for her. He was obedient to our Lady, but the bishop did not believe the story and asked for proof that Mary had appeared to him. On December 12, Juan Diego was visited by Mary again. She asked him to gather roses and to take them to the bishop as a sign. When he opened his tilma (cloak) before the bishop, dozens of roses fell out, and an image of Mary, imprinted on the inside of his cloak, became visible. Having received his proof, the bishop ordered that a church be built on Tepeyac Hill in honor of the Virgin Mary. You can celebrate this feast day by gathering roses (or buying them at the store) to place in your home as a reminder of this beautiful miracle from Our Lady! Learn more here.

Dec 13 Saint Lucy’s Feast Day
Saint Lucy was a young girl, a martyr, and one of the earliest Christian saints. We love all of these amazing ideas from Catholic Icing, but most especially the fun and easy Lucy Bread you can make from braiding pre-made cinnamon roll dough into a wreath. Something the whole family can take part in and enjoy! Visit Catholic Icing and her instructions on this version of Lucy Bread here.

Dec 14 Sign up for a January Small Group with Beyond the Pew! 
Beyond the Pew is now offering virtual small groups! Community and discussion with other Catholic parents, no babysitter required, and from the comfort of your own home. Groups will meet once a week for three weeks in the month of January. We are offering multiple time slots, so pick the time that works best for you when registration goes live on December 14th. Stay tuned for updates and the registration link on our Facebook page.

Dec 21 Sharing Christmas With Our Kids
Most of us get what Christmas is about, but how do we share that with our kids? What are things we can do to really drive home what Christmas is about? Today’s video (found on our Facebook and Instagram) with Megan Copeland will help us prepare our children for Christmas Day.

Dec 26 Make a Birthday Cake for Jesus
Bake with your kids! Make a birthday cake for Jesus as a family, and doing this after Dec 25th would be an awesome reminder that Christmas is not just one day, but a whole season for us to celebrate Jesus’ birthday.
Dec 27 The Feast of the Holy Family
Pray together as a family! Pray for each other and take turns sharing intentions. Ask the Holy Family to pray for your family and all of your intentions.
Dec 30 Choose A New Year’s Resolution With Your Family
What is your New Year’s Resolution to incorporate your faith more fully into your family? If you need help or ideas, our video this week by Matt Rice shares ways to pray with your kids and as a family.