May Children’s Activity Calendar

May 3: Saints Philip and James’ Feast Day
Philip and James gave up their whole lives to follow Jesus. When Nathaniel hesitated, Philip simply told him “Come and see.” Just come and meet Him. And once you meet Him, you will know. You will know He is worth giving up everything for. How can our family follow Jesus, just as Philip and James did? How does our family live differently in pursuit of Jesus?
May 7: Download our latest version of the eBook Catholic Mothers, Catholic Saints
We are releasing the latest version of our eBook on May 7th, just in time for Mother’s Day! Share this free eBook with the mothers in your life as it brings to life many of the saints who lived out their vocation of motherhood and the ways we can look to and learn from them. 
May 9: Mother’s Day
Pray over your mother, or the mothers in your life. Ask Mary to pray for the mothers in your life as well. Mothers, ask your children to pray over you and close the prayer with a Hail Mary.
May 13: Pentecost Novena Begins
The Pentecost Novena leads up to the Church’s celebration of Pentecost on May 23rd. Start your Pentecost Novena today with Ablaze Families. 
May 13: Our Lady of Fatima
Today we remember Our Lady’s appearances to three young children in a time of war. She brought them a message of peace and asked them to pray the rosary in order to bring about Christ’s peace in the world. According to tradition, there are also miracles witnessed involving the sun “spinning” and “dancing”. Learn more about the miracles of the sun here. To celebrate this day with family, you can:
  • Watch “The Day the Sun Danced: Our Lady of Fatima” on Formed
  • Share the story of Mary appearing to the three young children Lucia, Jacinta, and Francisco! Share the ages and images of the children with your children, and celebrate that Mary chose to appear to them. 
  • Make spinning suns as crafts or make “suns” for lunch with these ideas from Catholic Icing
May 18: Saint Pope John I
Saint Pope John I served as Pope for three years, and in that short time he was able to bring peace between the Western and Eastern Churches who had been at odds for almost 50 years. Who in your life needs peace? Who might you be at odds with? What can you do today to bring about reconciliation in your life and the lives of those in your family and community? Pray for peace in your family, community, and world.
May 22: Saint Rita of Cascia
Saint Rita married at a young age and had two sons. She had a difficult life, troubled marriage, and suffered the death of her husband and two sons. She lived a life of joy though in choosing Christ in every stage and season, giving all to Him. She joined the Augustinian nuns in Cascia and through the years her faith and charity became an example to all. To this day, her body remains incorruptible! She is the patron of difficult marriages, infertility, and impossible causes. Who can you entrust to her care and prayer? How can she be a light and example to you today?
May 23: Pentecost
Today we celebrate the descent of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples of Jesus after His Ascension. 
  • Share with your children that in the Bible, the Holy Spirit is present in strong winds, water, and fire. Ask them what they think it sounded like. Which one would have been the most amazing to see? Ask why the Holy Spirit would have moved through wind, water, and fire. Draw pictures together of what this would have looked like, or use scissors and glue to “make” wind, water, or fire.
  • Decorate your dinner table for Pentecost! Light 13 candles to represent the Holy Spirit descending on the Apostles and Mary. Decorate with red and white, the Church’s colors for Pentecost. Get creative as a family and have fun to celebrate this important day in the Church!
  • Make Pentecost Cake! This is a fun way to get the family together and remember that this day is cause for celebration. Check out Catholic Cuisine’s post.
  • Make wind catchers with kids to hang up outside. This craft will remind your children that the Holy Spirit is present even though we can’t see Him. This quick and fun craft can be found here.
May 26: Saint Philip Neri
Saint Philip Neri gave up the chance to become a businessman and chose to pursue Christ in a life of prayer. He wanted to be a lay person, until his confessor urged him to join the priesthood. Saint Philip loved to joke, cultivate new friendships, and lead “excursions” to other churches, often with music and a picnic on the way. Celebrate with your family by having your own picnic outdoors today. Pack a lunch or dinner and spend time outside together. Pray over your meal, and close the prayer by saying “Saint Philip Neri, pray for us!”
May 30: Trinity Sunday
Today is the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity! “The dogma of faith which forms the object of the feast is this: There is one God and in this one God there are three Divine Persons; the Father is God, the Son is God, the Holy Spirit is God.” Read more about the mystery of the Trinity here.  Celebrate this day with family by:
  • Make Trinity Tacos for dinner! Three colors of bell peppers, three kinds of cheeses, three kinds of tortillas, three kinds of meat… This idea comes from Catholic Cuisine.
  • Make chocolate chip cookies with three kinds of add ins – chocolate chips, M&M’s, and white chocolate chips. 
  • This fun puzzle worksheet on the Trinity by callherhappy on Etsy
  • Taking on a fun craft together with these ideas from Catholic Icing!