Welcome to Beyond the Pew

Meet the Beyond the Pew team in this video and join us next week as we begin the video series!

Hi, my name is Matt Rice, President and Founder of Ablaze Ministries. Ablaze was formed to build up the best youth ministers in the nation to provide the best ministries in the nation forging youth for our Lord Jesus Christ. We know that the most effective way to minister to youth, is to reach out to you, their parents.

Alyssa: Parents, you know that you are the number one influence on your children. You shape and mold them in ways that will affect their entire lives. This includes their faith life. If you want to know what your youth’s faith will look like in twenty years, take a look at what your faith looks like now. You set the example for your children of what it looks like to have a relationship with God.

Taylor: We want to provide inspiration for you as Christian parents by speaking on topics that are relevant to you, to help you grow in your personal faith and also help lead you closer to Christ. But look, we know you’re busy. I have two kids myself, I know it’s hard to find some quiet time. So we thought the best way to help you is to have a short video every week on a different topic so that you can grow in knowledge of the faith and have something to work with and pray with throughout the week.

Jennifer: Our hope is to equip you with guides, tools, tips, and encouragement in leading your kids closer to Christ. We hope that through these videos you will receive great confidence in sharing your faith with your kids. Through these videos, you will hear from all four of us, each with a different perspective with valuable input for parents of teens. We want you to know that you’re not alone and we hope to be a valuable resource for you in your faith journey.

Thanks, and God bless!