If you’re like me, you’ve noticed that over the past week, the internet has not been a happy place.
I always have a few people on my social media news feed that angry-post, but now that the national conversation has turned to abortion, hate became center-stage. Everywhere I look, I see families and friends ripping each other up. Anger, frustration, sadness, confusion, and false information. “Please unfriend me if you believe…” memes. Name calling. Me vs. You. Hate.
How can we possibly move forward from this? So many relationships have been ruined over the span of a week. As always, God seems to have known exactly what we need at the right time. This Sunday’s readings were a gift.
The 1st reading is from Acts, where we hear that “it is necessary to undergo hardships to enter the Kingdom of God”. We then read in the 2nd reading that John sees a “new heaven and a new earth.” The former earth and the former heaven pass away. The Gospel tops it off telling us that we are to love one another, and that is how the world will know that we are His.
Although there is so much anger and sin in the world, God gives us HOPE. He will wipe every tear away, and there will be no more death, no more mourning. All these things will pass away. The One who sits on the throne will make all things new. God assures us that we will undergo hardships and face injustices in life. Horrible things happen, and people will do and say horrible things. But we are to endure all things looking toward eternity, knowing that all these things will pass away.
I trust in His promise to make all things new. Being “eternity-minded” is what we are called to be.
We are to do this while loving in a radical way. To love as He has loved us. How did He show His love? By death. The Gospel reading takes place just at the beginning of Jesus’ passion. And He says that NOW the Son of Man is glorified. Not after His resurrection. Not when He ascends. But now, at his passion and death. Jesus’ glory comes from His death, because of His radical love. Can I love like that? Can I teach my children to love like that?
That means listening to understand, not to respond.
That means seeking what is true, not what is convenient.
That means being willing to fight for the truth, while using discernment about the appropriate place and time.
It means recognizing the humanity in those that disagree with you.
It means loving until it hurts.
It means praying for your enemies.
So we pray. We seek the Lord. Seek His presence. We ask Him to give us wisdom and humility. We teach our children to do the same. I pray that my children will seek the truth in love, because they have learned how to do so by watching their parents.
The Spirit and the Bride say, “Come, Lord Jesus!”