God’s creation set the stage for an adventure in daydreaming: blue skies, cool breeze, and a sunny bright day. Before I knew it, I allowed myself to be swept up into the image of a mighty wind which I assumed, of course, was the Holy Spirit. I encountered a sense of freedom and began to think about so many things in my current life and began to ask questions like where I would be tomorrow, next week, next year or even in 20 years? I let go of my inhibitions and allowed myself to dream! Inhale… Exhale…Ahhhh.
I began to think of the times over my years as an adult, when I felt stagnant, stuck, content, or even lukewarm, whether it was in my career or in my marriage or as a mom. Both the busyness and the constraints of life have the power to very quickly take over and control our lives. It puts extreme limits on our time and ability to grow. But, it doesn’t have to. Yes, life keeps moving at lightning speed. But, that doesn’t mean that we have to let it pass us by and keep us from blossoming into the people that God has created us to be.
“Train the young in the way they should go; even when old, they will not swerve from it” Proverbs 22:6
As parents, we need to take note of who our kids see us as. Who do they see? That’s the real question. Do they see us crazy and stressed out, tired and exhausted? Do they see us as overworked and preoccupied with everything else? Are you who you want them to see? Ask yourself these questions and pay attention to your gut answer.
If you are not what you want your children to see, then it is time to take ACTION!!
He created you to be joyful and intentional, happy and creative. When life gets overwhelming, stop, take a break and appreciate the very breath that you just took.
Take some real time (more than just a couple of minutes) to evaluate yourself as a daughter or son of God. Take a bird’s eye view of your current state of life and circumstances, and ask for guidance from the Holy Spirit to give you the ability and encouragement to reposition your goals, priorities and dreams. A great exercise is to write a letter to your future self. Pick a time frame, be specific in what you want to achieve, and put a future date on the outside that will tell you when you will open it. Set a reminder on your phone. Put it somewhere safe so you’ll know where to find it.
He created you to thrive and grow and reconcile and begin again. He created you to be joyful and intentional, happy and creative. When life gets overwhelming, stop, take a break and appreciate the very breath that you just took.
As parents, we are the biggest cheerleaders for our children. Give your children a chance to cheer you on! Let them know that you don’t have it all figured out and that they can support you in your own dreams and goals. Pick anything: a new hobby, a new job, or a fitness goal that you want try. Let them be a part of your journey and struggles. It will make a great opportunity to teach them how to encourage others and be supportive of their parents!
Best wishes in your adventures of daring to dream and giving your kids that chance to cheer you on!!