God is not Mr. Fix It, He is more.

As a country we find ourselves in the wake of another mass shooting. Less than 24 hours after the shooting, the NY Daily News places a front page stating ‘GOD ISN’T FIXING THIS’. It criticizes republican presidential candidates for tweeting out concern and prayers for the victims, their families and law enforcement. The title is […]

My first drink was in a Gay Bar and I am Grateful

My first legal drink was in a gay bar, and I am grateful. It was just a few days before my 21st birthday and I headed out to Chicago for a spring break mission trip. We were headed downtown to serve with Emmaus Ministries who help male prostitutes get off the streets, build life skills […]

Striving for the Best Solution

My microwave was broken. Everything worked except it didn’t heat the food anymore. A quick search narrowed it down to 2 problem areas, one of which was called the ‘magnatron’ which sounds like a villain in the generic version of the Transformers. The parts would cost near the price of a new microwave. In a […]

A Perfectly Designed Ministry

Simon Sinek in his book Start with the Why tells a story of American car executives who tour a Japanese assembly line. They get to the end of the line where the doors were placed on hinges and notice that there was not a line worker present with a rubber mallet to tap the edges […]

Go From Busy… to Beloved

‘Busy’ was the response I got when I asked a ministry friend how things were going. It wasn’t a cry for help, but a battle cry. We are in the trenches of ministry and love to show off our scars. Being busy for Jesus is what makes you valuable right? There are different seasons in […]

Writing Great Discussion Questions

Small groups have become a staple in ministry today. They create community, foster identity and build trust that leads to openness to Jesus Christ. Small groups can be a primary vehicle for people to share their faith, question their faith and encounter a community who loves them and journeys with them. Below are some tips […]

How to Pray with a Teen

Personal prayer is difficult enough, but there are moments when the Holy Spirit is asking us to pray with a teenager or other adult. Be not afraid, the fruits outweigh the challenge.  This call to pray with another may be after you have had a great one on one conversation or during a moving moment […]

5 Dangerous Don’ts of a Parent Meeting

Parent meetings may find themselves on top of your ‘necessary evils’ in ministry list. However, these meetings are your biggest opportunity and one of your most important ministry events. You can inspire, empower, enliven and equip parents at these gatherings. You can win their hearts over for Jesus and lead them to champion their primary […]

The Most Difficult Moment of Ministry Leadership

You are a ministry leader, whether it is paid or volunteer, whether you lead a class, small group, or simply help serve the breakfast at an event; you encounter people and are called to be Christ to those people. In these moments, and beyond, you are a ministry leader.

Welcome to Next Level Ministry

The aim of youth ministry has always been the same, to lead teens to authentic relationships with Christ and his church. The methods seeking to make this a reality have dramatically changed. We find ourselves in a time where youth ministry is more and more a recognized profession and seen as a necessity rather than […]