Katharine Browning

Docility to the Holy Spirit with Deacon Ralph Poyo

Dream Leader with Tim Dumas The amazing Deacon Ralph Poyo joins the show the week to share his story of conversion over many years, the importance of docility to the Holy Spirit and how he has stayed in ministry for over 40 years. Come sit at the feet of one of the best ministry leaders […]

Dream Leader with Tim Dumas

Dream Leader with Tim Dumas Leadership guru Tim Dumas joins the show to share his expertise on leadership. He shares his 20 year journey of finding out what leadership really is, dreaming big and course correcting as a leader. Never miss out on the craziness of each episode by hitting the subscribe button RIGHT NOW! […]

What Keeps People in Ministry Part 2

What Keeps People in Ministry Part 2 Crystal Marchand from ProjectYM joins the show to continue last week’s discussion on what keeps people in ministry. She brings her expertise from years of supporting youth workers to share the three C’s of longevity in ministry. Connect with ProjectYMInstagram: @project_ym Sign up for the Thrive Community for […]

What Keeps People in Ministry

What Keeps People in Ministry Matt and Chris ask the age old question of what sustains people in ministry for the long haul. We have an epidemic of tremendous people leaving ministry and we all know a lot of the reasons. But by focusing on those who have stayed, what can we learn about being […]

Covid Still Sucks

Covid Still Sucks Some places are opening up. Some aren’t. Some people want in person ministry. Some don’t. Matt and Chris discuss the “light at the end of the tunnel” for Covid in many places across the country but also how many others are still dealing with tough realities. How do we show each other […]

Abuse of Self w/ Chase Crouse

Abuse of Self w/ith Chase Crouse Chase Crouse rejoins the show with Chris to tackle the topic of how often ministry leaders abuse themselves physically, mentally and spiritually by overworking and taking care of everyone else except themselves. Chase, a professional nutrition and health coach, chats about the things we can all do to keep […]


Baggage We all carry our own baggage into ministry. Whether difficult things from our personal life or wounds we’ve picked up from failures in ministry or hurtful things people said, we all have them. How do we find healing from those things and continue to grow as a ministry leader? And how do we help […]

Your Job is Easier When…

Your Job is Easier when…   Chris and Matt share the three primary things that should be in place to make your job easier than ever before… and they may not be what you think. Tune in to make your life easier and grow your potential as a ministry leader. Never miss out on the […]

Professionalism in Ministry with Jason Deuterman Part 1

Professionalism in Ministry with Jason Deuterman Part 1 Jason Deuterman rejoins Chris and Matt on the show for the first of a two-part series on professionalism in ministry. Professionalism and ministry don’t often go hand in hand and some may even be averse to talking about both in the same sentence. All three share how […]

Where do Ministry Leaders come from?

Where do ministry leaders come from? Matt is back and talks with Chris about where ministry leaders come from. There are a lot of myths debunked in this episode. How does someone become a ministry leaders? What are the requirements? What are the attributes of an ideal ministry leader? You may have heard answers to […]