Youth Rooms: Creating an Environment for Encounter, Part 1

This is it. The moment you’ve been waiting for. School’s back in session, and that means your youth are about to start arriving for youth group again, with some maybe coming for the very first time. If you’re like me, your mind has been focused on making sure your kickoff is ready, getting all the […]

Missionary and Father

Supporting Your Family as a Missionary At first, it may sound crazy. How can you be a father of three children and also a missionary? Well, Taylor Schroll is here to show you that not only is is possible, but it may be the ONLY way you can stay in ministry, follow your passions, and […]

5 Myths About Fundraising

The Fear of Fundraising Whenever we ask our missionaries, “What was your biggest hesitation to joining our team?” the answer is always fundraising. Even though they knew they were called by God to this ministry and saw others living joyfully as fully-funded missionaries, for some reason, there was still so much fear around the reality […]

Praise God for Fundraising!

“I knew this was an amazing opportunity – but me, fundraising?” Sarah Lessmann But Me, Fundraising? A few months ago, the idea of fundraising my salary confused and scared me. When a friend of mine told me she believed the Lord was calling me to be a missionary with Ablaze Ministries, I laughed at the […]