Next Level Ministry is overjoyed to announce our new partnership with Ablaze Ministries! Next Level Ministry has always been committed to excellence in ministry leadership. Partnering with Ablaze Ministries will allow us to do just that at, well, the next level.
Ablaze Ministries is committed to supporting and building up excellent youth ministers to build up the best youth ministries in the nation. Our partnership will allow us to carry out this mission together through mentoring and coaching.
Ablaze Ministries is filled with experienced, educated and dynamic missionaries who are in the trenches of ministry on a weekly basis. Their team brings over 50 years combined ministry experience and 3 Master’s Degrees in Theology. Just like Next Level Ministry, they are rooted in a dynamic relationship with Jesus Christ and seek to share their gifts with the greater church.
As we move forward in our mission to build up the best ministry leaders in the nation, we will be working with the team at Ablaze Ministries to mentor and coach ministers looking for guidance and collaboration. We look forward to this new partnership and know that God will use it for the building up of His kingdom!