The world promises you comfort, but you were not made for comfort. You were made for greatness. — Pope Benedict XVI
I have a confession to make.
Rarely, do I feel like doing ministry.
I don’t feel bad in telling you this. I told some of my youth this the other day during small group.
On retreat days, I typically drag myself out of bed, stumble over to my prayer chair, and ask God to give me a pep talk. Everything in me would rather lay in bed, all morning, all day, snoozing for hours on end. On Sundays, when I have a youth night to go to, I have to let go of the “free time”, that would have, could have, possibly been. It takes a lot of effort to prepare for talks and prayer sessions, when I’d much rather hang out with friends or take a nap or watch my favorite television shows.
I’m hoping you can relate to this on some level.
Now, there was a season in my life where I practically flew from youth event to youth event. Where I felt like driving for hours, to stay up way too late and survive on the sounds of rowdy teens and coffee. But those days are long gone.
And I think that makes it more loving.
Resolve to love, even when you don’t feel like loving.
It is a sacrifice for me to give in this way. I’m completely capable of carrying out my mission. I’ve been given the gifts and the graces, I’ve practiced the skills, but I have to die to myself and get over my comfort. I have to make the effort to climb, to strive to be present and give it all I have, to grow and not settle for mediocrity.
I resolve to love, even when I don’t feel like loving. And when this happens, I look to the Cross and know that I am united with Jesus in the greatest act of love that ever will be.
I want to share some of the things God reminds me of and the conversations we’ve had, in those moments where I’m tempted to fold, or choose irritability rather than generosity. I want to share some of what He’s told me, words of wisdom and pieces of Scripture. With these words, I hope He can remind you what He’s reminded me: my “yes” matters.
Your “yes” matters, because it is through our “yes” that He will change lives.
I will be You in their midst. These are Your kids. “Love them,” You say. I will be there to love them, to serve them, to intercede for them.
“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation and uphold me with a willing spirit.” – Psalm 51:12
“Why do you want this?” You ask me. Because I love You, Jesus, and because I want what You want.
“Be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might… for we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness…” – Ephesians 6:10, 12 – If we don’t show up for battle, who will?
You call me to stand in the gap, over and over again. You ask me to serve and to love by standing in and making up for what is lacking or leaving or missing. You allow me to bring hope. You bring hope and light and life through me.
Jesus is the sign of the love of the Father and we are His visible presence in the world. If we do not speak and move, if we do not go, how will the love of God be seen and known?
Help me to see the way You’re moving and breathing in them. Help me to respond. Reform me, remold me, remake me. You rush in and say, “That’s the prayer I’ve wanted you to pray.”
You give me gifts and grace and courage. You send me. You come with me. You are glorified in me.
[tweetthis]Your “yes” matters, because it is through our “yes” that He will change lives[/tweetthis]
Which one of the previous statements resonates with you the most? Which one can you use to help push you forward? Write it down and let it be one of the things you see as you prepare for ministry- whether that be on your desk, in your car, or a note on your phone.
Comment with any personal motivators you might have from prayer or Scripture.