NCCYM Follow Up

It was great meeting you at NCCYM!

You encountered our ministry team through Next Level Ministry, Ablaze Ministries, or through a member of our team presenting at a conference session. This message will provide access to all the resources related to our time together at NCCYM. Please bookmark this page as it will be a handy resource moving forward, and it is only listed to those who signed up for info at NCCYM.

Next Level Ministry seeks to foster excellence in ministry leadership. Essentially we pour into those who pour into youth. Through speaking, training, coaching and mentoring, resources offered through our blogs, digital engagement, and spiritual enrichment, Next Level Ministry will empower you and your team to take your ministry to, well, the next level.

Next Level Ministry has a strategic partnership with Ablaze Ministries. Ablaze Ministries directly forms youth ministers through a missionary model and serves a number of parishes in central Texas. It allows for a central location for support of the minister and shared expertise for the parishes that are blessed to have Ablaze serve their community. Onto the resources!

10 Day Spiritual Workout

If there is only one resource you put into immediate use, make it this one. We have created a 10 Day Digital Spiritual Workout. Essentially we took a quality workout app that seeks to modify behavior through daily tasks and we ‘Jesus hacked’ it. The developer of the app that serves as our platform, Vimify, was delighted to see their technology utilized in new way. We had a donor cover the expenses for the upcoming 10 Day Spiritual Workout that is available to NCCYM particpants for free. (You can even invite your co-workers to jump on board). Simply click here to get signed up. Day 1 starts this Friday and the final day, day 10, will take place on the 4th Sunday of Advent.

Each day will have formation, prayer time, and application. Each day should be able to be completed in 20 minutes. This includes at least 10 minutes of personal prayer. This makes a great companion to a developed spiritual life, but it also serves as a great jump-start to reengage a relationship with God.

There is a leader board to keep you motivated and a community wall that allows you to encourage others. Furthermore, there are coaches present on the app to help you along.

RESTORED – Youth Ministers Retreat

FEBRUARY 27- MARCH 1, 2017. At the Pines Catholic Camp in Big Sandy, TX.

Journey with fellow youth ministers and be rejuvenated during this 3-day retreat experience where you’ll encounter God, be poured into, and receive formation led by veteran youth minister Jim Beckman. In the midst of God’s majestic creation you’ll enjoy refreshing prayer sessions, formation, and free time to relax or participate in adventures through numerous camp amenities. SIGN UP HERE. Cost is $195.

At NCCYM you built up your professional self. Take some time to build up your spiritual self.

NCCYM Resources

YM Veterans Netsourcing Sessions featuring Chris Bartlett and Gwen Bartlett: The PowerPoint Presentation can be found here.

5 Attention Grabbing Hacks for Teens by Gwen Bartlett: The resource can be found here and the PowerPoint here.

Faith, Food, and Fitness: Seven Scriptures to Keep your Temple in Check by Lisa Salas: The resource can be found here and the PowerPoint here.

For some highlights of the conference, read Chris’ latest blog post.


Other Helpful Resources

Ongoing Resources: Ongoing resources can be found weekly at our blog. Read our posts for ministry ideas, encouragement in the field of ministry, and personal faith development.

Parent Resource: The Parent Resource ‘Beyond the Pew’ is a video blog series that can be linked at the end of any of your parent emails or showcased at parent meetings. Each week provides a new, short video with practical applications to help parents bring the faith into their home. Visit the Beyond the Pew blog and learn more about this resource here.

Contact Info: Stay in touch! We would love to continue the conversations we started at NCCYM.

We look forward to continuing this journey together!