Leaders of ministry often lack many resources: volunteers, money, support… the list could be endless. One of the most vital resources is time. The clock is always ticking as the semester, season, or year blazes by … each minute matters.

 Why Time Matters

The biggest reason is because most ministers give even when it is imprudent to do so. The charism of service compels you to continue to give of your time often at the cost of personal prayer time, family time or leisure. This leads to burn out, or leading on empty. Time also matters because there is urgency to sharing the Gospel. Yes, we humans are on a clock and to dust we shall return. The Gospel and a relationship with God are vital pieces to salvation aka heaven, the goal, our end game, victory.

Whether you are a full time minister or a volunteer, what would you do if you had an extra 2-10 hours in your ministry schedule? What would you do if the week before the next retreat or big event you found yourself with 5 extra hours? What would you do? What could God do through you?  What could God do in you?

Below is a list of ways to save and shave time off your ministry workload so that you can better focus on God, Self, Family, and those you serve. Stay tuned as these tips have been split into two blogs because your time is precious and 1,500 words in one sitting is longer than the cup of coffee you should be enjoying.

Save Time…Save Souls: The Tips

Events / Retreats

Voice Mail

Part 2 Coming Soon!

Stay plugged in for part 2 of this blog coming up! The next tips will include email and how to lead efficient meetings. Comment below with your own tips.