Toilet Paper Solutions

Sometimes there are unexpected solutions to the obstacles in your ministry. And sometimes God uses you in a way that seems counter-intuitive. But trust in His plan and invite Him into your problems
Spiritual Advisory

Do you take precautions and protect yourself and your ministry spiritually? Gwen talks about the importance of always looking forward and remembering the battle is already won.
How to Succeed in a Youth Ministry Interview

Summer is almost over. For the field of youth ministry, summer is a hiring season. I know of a number of parishes that are hiring here in my diocese. This process can seem difficult and intimidating. Submitting a resume and preparing for an interview can give you butterflies that remind you of asking someone on […]
Caught and Not Taught

Think back to last summer. I know for some of us ministers this might be impossible, but humor me for a moment. Yes, since then there have been countless events, meetings, and distractions. But think back to those first few months of planning for this ministry year. Scheduling topics for particular nights, looking through your curriculum, […]
Preach the Gospel

This past semester at St. Joseph’s, the middle school group focused on the sacred scripture. We started with basics, how the Church formed the Bible and what books make it up. Then we zeroed in on the gospels, learned what parables were, and looked at a number of Jesus’ teachings and miracles. We also talked […]
When the Youth are “Too” Catechized

How fun would it be that on youth nights we could break out St. Thomas Aquinas’ Summa Theologica and have a deep theological discussion with anyone and everyone in our youth group, because they’d already have an awesome foundation in what we believe? Okay. So my friends tell me I’m a dreamer, but what a […]
Becoming a Man of Prayer: Part 2
Welcome back to our series for men. I encourage you to share this with the men at your parish, your brothers in Christ, and anyone God has placed in your life who you think would benefit from this series. Last week, we talked about how the world we live in is hurting. Depression, alcoholism, pornography… the […]
Called to Greatness
Here’s the thing. Sometimes, I become unsatisfied with where I am. I’m unhappy with where God had placed me. I get restless. I ask God that if He wants to use me like He said He did, then why hasn’t led me to that place or that team? I complain to Him that I want to go out and […]
3 Tips to Combat Relativism
Well, that’s just your opinion. Don’t force your beliefs on me. Intolerant. Hater. Bigot. These are all things you’ve heard and may have been called. Why? Because you’re teaching the truth of Jesus Christ. A few years ago I was in the Austin airport and overheard two teens talking. The girl, who I learned was […]
National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry – 5 Quick Takes
Last weekend, the team from Next Level Ministry was able to attend the National Conference on Catholic Youth Ministry (NCCYM). Over 3,000 people gathered to discuss how we as ministers and as a Church could better connect Christ to teens and families. Here are my 5 quick takes from the conference. Evangelization > Catechesis Bob […]