Receiving Sacraments
Hello. Welcome to Beyond the Pew. As Easter gets closer and so many of our kids will be receiving Sacraments for the first time, whether it be Confirmation or Baptism or their First Communion, we’re going to talk about how to talk to your kids when they receive the Sacrament.
Taking Young Children to Mass
Welcome back to Beyond the Pew! I hope that your New Year’s is going well and to continue the theme of praying with your family, I’m going to be talking about getting your kids to mass. And I’m actually sitting here in the pew that my family and I sit in when we come to […]
For Whom the Wedding Bell Tolls
“You must learn to be a bride before you can become a bridegroom.” These are the words Jesus spoke to me in prayer not even a week ago. When I first heard Him say this to me, I thought, you want me to be a what? But after some thought, I realized He was right.
Witness of Hope
This past Sunday, I was one of the millions of people waiting in line to see the Pope. Yes, that’s right. I was in Philadelphia, trying to make it into the Papal Mass. We were given tickets as a last minute surprise and took the trolley into town and rushed over to one of the […]