From Broken to Healed

Sometimes things happen that leave you in disbelief, especially when you were looking forward to such hope, joy and excitement. You look back and ask yourself, “did that just happen?” or “how could that happen at such a joyful time?” Your tears can’t hide the feelings of being broken down, vulnerable, raw, hurt and sad. […]

Modern Miracles of Physical Healing

When was the last time you heard about someone who was physically healed through prayer?  Have you ever witnessed healing yourself? I recently had the honor to volunteer as a prayer minister for a retreat.  During the week three people shared with me about previous encounters they had when praying with someone and that personal was physically […]

4 Movements in Evangelization You Need to Know

For Christmas this year, our one-year-old son received a fisher price basketball hoop. It has been played with for about 40 hours since he got it. His time with the toy amounts to less than an hour. Dad loves it, sisters love it. We recently had some friends over and their son had just seen […]


How many times do we find ourselves facing struggles, obstacles, hardships and difficulties in our homes, workplaces and ministries? They’re everywhere. We’re human, there is sin, evil and discord. However, there is also purpose, mission, goodness and victory which is desperately waiting to be unveiled in our broken world. One of our purposes here on […]

Lent Ideas to Live & Share

Lent begins and many struggle to find a solid sacrifice to embrace for the journey. Take a look at a few of the options below and pick one, pick one per day or pick a category and rotate through the sacrifices. Share the images or this post to inspire others to journey with you. Comment […]

8 Ways to Bless your Marriage as a Minister.

I love the black and white decisions, like the time I got the call that my 3 year old daughter was in the hospital with a broken leg. It was a no brainer; drop everything and go. One phone call on the way mobilized my volunteers to cover the ministry event I had starting in […]

My first drink was in a Gay Bar and I am Grateful

My first legal drink was in a gay bar, and I am grateful. It was just a few days before my 21st birthday and I headed out to Chicago for a spring break mission trip. We were headed downtown to serve with Emmaus Ministries who help male prostitutes get off the streets, build life skills […]

Striving for the Best Solution

My microwave was broken. Everything worked except it didn’t heat the food anymore. A quick search narrowed it down to 2 problem areas, one of which was called the ‘magnatron’ which sounds like a villain in the generic version of the Transformers. The parts would cost near the price of a new microwave. In a […]

A Perfectly Designed Ministry

Simon Sinek in his book Start with the Why tells a story of American car executives who tour a Japanese assembly line. They get to the end of the line where the doors were placed on hinges and notice that there was not a line worker present with a rubber mallet to tap the edges […]

School Shootings: Ministering in the Aftermath …an insider’s story

school shootings

It was a beautiful spring day and, as a junior in high school, I was hoping a teacher would give in to my peers and I begging to have class outside.  We were looking forward to prom in just over a week.  I’ll never forget that day. It was the day my life forever changed. […]