
School Year Stress

school year stress

Now that school has begun another year, it’s time to talk about the stress that enters your students’ lives. School is stressful. But we can help them manage it by building support and fostering life skills that will help them into adulthood. Welcome back to Beyond the Pew. In this video, in our back to […]

Who Are Your Child’s Friends?

Who your children spend time with matter! In this video, Matt Rice talks about why it’s important that your sons & daughters learn how to be a good friend by following your example and how you guide them to choosing friends good for them. Welcome back to Beyond the Pew. My name is Matt Rice, […]

Your Schedule is a Theological Statement

Howdy and welcome back to Beyond the Pew. We are out here recording in the hot sun in front of Brian high school preparing for the new school year to start as I am sure that you are as well. One thing I want to talk about as school is getting started is balance and […]

What Do You Do If Your Child Stops Going to Church


Welcome back to Beyond the Pew. Today I’m going to talk about what do we do as parents when our kids have lost interest in the faith. And one of the things that is the most powerful in my life has been something that I kind of actually started in response to this for families […]

Keeping Your Kids Interested in Church

Hello and welcome to Beyond the Pew. Today’s episode tackles that age-old question of how do I get my kids interested in church, not just Mass but youth group, but daily prayer, being involved in a community. Well I wish I could tell you that there is a quick and easy fix that there is […]

Summer Priorities

Hello and welcome to Beyond the Pew. Today we’re beginning a conversation on how to live out our faith during the summer time. So many of us see the summer time as a time where we can get away, as taking a break from life, and certainly summer time can be that. But sometimes we […]

Helping Your Child Discern Their Vocation

Howdy and welcome back to Beyond the Pew. It’s great to be back here with you another week and I’m hoping that your week is going fantastic. Today I want to talk to you about how to help your kids discern a vocation to whatever it is, whether it’s to married life, priesthood, religious life, […]

Sacraments of Initiation

Hi and welcome to Beyond the Pew. Today we’re going to talk about how to walk through the sacraments of initiation as a family. So what are the sacraments of initiation? Well there are three. First one is baptism. Then we have confirmation. And then we have the Holy Eucharist.

Life in the Eucharist

Sacraments as a Family Welcome to Beyond the Pew. In this new series, we’re going to be diving into the ways we can journey through the sacraments together as a family. We are so blessed to have these seven sacraments. The sacraments are the ways in which the power of the Cross is made present in our lives. Jesus died so that we […]

Receiving Sacraments

Hello. Welcome to Beyond the Pew. As Easter gets closer and so many of our kids will be receiving Sacraments for the first time, whether it be Confirmation or Baptism or their First Communion, we’re going to talk about how to talk to your kids when they receive the Sacrament.