What Do You Do If Your Child Stops Going to Church
Welcome back to Beyond the Pew. Today I’m going to talk about what do we do as parents when our kids have lost interest in the faith. And one of the things that is the most powerful in my life has been something that I kind of actually started in response to this for families […]
Receiving Sacraments
Hello. Welcome to Beyond the Pew. As Easter gets closer and so many of our kids will be receiving Sacraments for the first time, whether it be Confirmation or Baptism or their First Communion, we’re going to talk about how to talk to your kids when they receive the Sacrament.
So, Let’s Talk About Death
Hello again Mom and Dad, this week we are diving a little bit deeper into Halloween and what happens around this time of year. So last week Jennifer talked to you guys about souls and this week I’m going to talk more about death. This is a topic that I guarantee your kids think about […]
What’s a Soul?
Hello, and welcome to Beyond the Pew! My name is Jennifer Stavinoha and today we’re going to be talking about souls. Sometimes we use this word soul in everyday conversation. Especially when we’re being dramatic, we’ll say “From the depths of my soul” or we’ll use the words “soul mates” or “soul bearing” or “soul searching”, but what […]