August Children’s Activity Calendar
Download Here August is dedicated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary This month, the Holy Father’s intentions are for The Church: Let us pray for the Church, that she may receive from the Holy Spirit the grace and strength to reform herself in the light of the Gospel. August 4: Feast Day of Saint John Vianney […]
Common Language
Common Language Oftentimes important messages are miscommunicated because everyone is using different terms for things or have different understandings of terms. This can happen a lot in ministry with our teams, volunteers or with those we are ministering to. Matt & Chris discuss the practice of finding common language so that everyone can be clear […]
Nostalgia Nostalgia is a powerful thing. From our favorite childhood memories to our first breakup, these memories are powerful and we can still be brought instantly back to those feelings from long ago. Chris and Matt talk about how these memories affect how we lead as ministry leaders and how we can approach ministry with […]
Proofs & Atheism
Proofs and Atheism Robert Mixa from Word on Fire joins the shows to discussion atheism and how to work with people who have doubts or are combative towards faith. This is one of our “big brain” episode that goes deep into theology and methods for best walking with people struggling with belief in God. Enjoy! […]
Equipt We always hear that we should be constantly growing and improving as ministry leaders, but with the large list of to-dos and demands on our time for ministry, it is often hard to find time for that. This is why Ablaze has created a new project called Equipt: a book summary program to give you […]
July Children’s Activity Calendar
Download Here July is dedicated to the Most Precious Blood of Jesus! The Liturgical Season we are now in is Ordinary Time, so the Church’s color in July is GREEN. This month, the Holy Father’s intentions are for Social Friendship. We pray that in social, economic, and political situations of conflict, we may be courageous and passionate architects of dialogue and friendship. July […]
June Children’s Activity Calendar
Download Here June is dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus! The Liturgical Season we are now in is Ordinary Time, so the Church’s color in June is GREEN. This month, the Holy Father’s intentions are for the beauty of marriage. Let us pray for the protection of marriage and for all who are preparing for […]
May Children’s Activity Calendar
Download Here May 3: Saints Philip and James’ Feast DayPhilip and James gave up their whole lives to follow Jesus. When Nathaniel hesitated, Philip simply told him “Come and see.” Just come and meet Him. And once you meet Him, you will know. You will know He is worth giving up everything for. How can our […]
Vaccine for Discouragement
Vaccine for Discouragement Chris and Matt discuss Pope Francis’ recent trip to Iraq and particularly about a homily he gave about the cure for discouragement. The answer is especially important for ministry leaders. If you’ve felt discouraged in the past year or are helping others through discouragement, this is the episode for you. Never […]
Know when to Fold Em
Know When to Fold Em Matt and Chris channel their inner Kenny Rogers to discuss knowing when to hold, fold, walk away or run away from a specific ministry. How do you discern when it’s time to move on or when it’s time to double down? The guys explore all of this with much […]