
Give Them What They Came For

The question I’m most frequently asked at the start of any given youth night is “What game are we playing tonight?” The truth is that for a number of our youth it’s the things like snacks, social activities, and games that really gain their interest in coming. I challenge you to give them what they come for! Most of […]

The Fine Line Between Sin and Virtue

40 miles per hour is the speed limit on University Drive going towards Highway 6. When I drive through that zone, I try to go exactly 45 miles per hour. Why? Because I can get where I’m going faster than if I drive 40, and few police officers aren’t going to pull someone over for only […]

Making a Man Out of You

You know, I really wish I could just go troll Instagram or Facebook without the lustful temptations that seem to be hiding around every other click. In the overly sexualized world that we live in, the idea of our sexuality is being seen less as a gift and more as a right.

O Brother, Where Art Thou?

Throughout my time in ministry, I have noticed one thing that stands true at every level and across all cultures:  Men are absent in our Church.

The Fight For Truth

Bodies of migrants and refugees washing up on the shores of beaches. Girls walking out of their school boycotting the decision to let a transgender person use the girls’ locker room. Planned Parenthood severing babies and selling their parts. Christians in Syria being told to convert or die.

Serving Up Some Love

This past week was very stressful for a good friend of mine, who we’ll call Bob. Bob became homeless, despite working tirelessly day and night.  Unfortunately for Bob, he spent almost half of his life in prison, which means that few people want to hire him, and few people want him living in their apartment complexes.

This is My Hipster Blog

Recently, I have been obsessed with this idea of being a hipster. This new trend has just been so appealing to me. From the folksy music to the flannel shirts and beanies, the oh so graceful way of sipping chai lattes and the perfectly filtered Instagram posts, this was everything I wanted to take part in. […]

Ça Va Aller (It Will Be Fine)

From June to November 2013 I lived in Burkina Faso, a small West African country nestled between Mali, Niger, Ivory Coast, and Ghana. It’s a very tiny country, the size of Colorado. It’s landlocked and as a result of that, very poor. It’s considered to be the third poorest country in the world, and the […]