Why Are Your Friends Important For Your Soul?
Not too long ago, I was struggling with making good friends. Let me rephrase that. I was struggling with making friends, and in turn, settled for not-so-good friendships. At the time, I had no idea just how much these so-called “friendships” were affecting my own actions and the state of my soul. The New Kid […]
Slammed Doors
In my prayer this past week, God has slowly been revealing things to me. On the outside it seems like God is closing slamming doors in my face, but on the inside I know what the Master Planner is doing. The Master Planner is revealing His divine plan for my life.
There’s this game that I’ve seen people play growing up called Mercy. Basically, the point is to restrict the other person and cause them enough pain to make them say the word ‘mercy.’
The Fine Line Between Sin and Virtue
40 miles per hour is the speed limit on University Drive going towards Highway 6. When I drive through that zone, I try to go exactly 45 miles per hour. Why? Because I can get where I’m going faster than if I drive 40, and few police officers aren’t going to pull someone over for only […]
Mo’ Betta’
In high school, I had a track coach named Coach Brockman. Almost every day before our workouts, he would come into the field house saying, “Let’s get mo’ betta’ today!” Not only was he an extraordinary track coach, but he is also an inspiring man of God. This blog is dedicated to him.
The Company that Pope Francis Keeps
Last week when I learned about who the president invited to the White House’s welcome of Pope Francis, I was pretty upset.
The Fight For Truth
Bodies of migrants and refugees washing up on the shores of beaches. Girls walking out of their school boycotting the decision to let a transgender person use the girls’ locker room. Planned Parenthood severing babies and selling their parts. Christians in Syria being told to convert or die.
Victory In Christ
Over the course of my time in ministry, I’ve noticed something that has never sat well with me. I get to meet all sorts of people, weekly church-going people, and others who used to be involved at their Church but have drifted away. No matter where people are in their faith walk, so many people […]
Walk It Out (God’s Will)
I used to spend too much of my time stressing about my future and what I was supposed to do with it. What brought me peace in that anxiety was the book of Deuteronomy. I love that book. Through it the Holy Spirit revealed so much to me about following God’s will.
Man on a Mission
For those of you out there that know me, this will be my last blog as a ministry leader at Ablaze Ministries. God has been revealing to me some new areas where He wants me to serve for the building of His Kingdom. My two years here have been packed with exciting and challenging ministry […]