Slammed Doors

In my prayer this past week, God has slowly been revealing things to me.  On the outside it seems like God is closing slamming doors in my face, but on the inside I know what the Master Planner is doing.  The Master Planner is revealing His divine plan for my life.   I know that things are definitely not going the way I wanted, but several times throughout this He has reminded me that His plans are WAY greater than I could every plan.

Everyone has had plans before.  I’d even venture to say that everyone has had plans ruined before.  Why does this happen, and what should WE do when it does happen?

We have two choices: either we can try frantically to make these already ruined plans work, or we can accept it and see what happens next. In Proverbs 16:9 it says, “In their hearts humans plan their course, but the LORD establishes their steps.” How fitting for all of us struggling with seeing God’s plan! God is using this time for me to be able to focus on Him more.  I have been praying nonstop for God’s answers or to be able to see His will, and constantly He tells me to trust and relax.  No matter how bad I want these answers within a certain time, I know that God will provide, and all I have to do is “Be still, and know that [He is] God.” (Psalm 46:10)

As humans, we don’t understand how a year compares to eternity.  I know that as I discern future plans, it feels like a week of not knowing will not kill me.  I’m 22 and am discerning God’s vocation in my life. I might be 25 before I get married, and that seems like my life is halfway over by then.  I’m sure you’re saying, “JJ, you are just overreacting.” Truth be told, I probably am, which is why I continue to discern God’s will.  I know God’s plan is much better, so if God waits to tell me what my vocation is until I’m 45 years old, I will accept that.  Let’s remember that no matter how fickle our plans might be, God does not change His plans. In the book of Numbers it says,

“God is not man, that he should lie,
or a son of man, that he should change his mind.
Has he said, and will he not do it?
Or has he spoken, and will he not fulfill it?”

We pray the Our Father practically every day, but how many times do we actually think about it when Jesus says, “Let YOUR will be done”? When we truly mean those words, we are letting the Master Planner plan.  You are giving Him permission to do what HE wants, even if it might suck or be painful, but I guarantee you that His plan will be heaps better than you can ever imagine.  When we need a role model to look up to when we need help saying ‘yes,’ let us look to our spiritual Mother whose constant ‘yes’ to God was all He needed to send Jesus into the world.

Let us continue to ask God to do HIS will in our lives, and ask Mary for her faith to be able to accept God’s will in our life.

“He replied, “If you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mulberry tree, ‘Be uprooted and planted in the sea,’ and it will obey you.’” Luke 17:6