Why Are Your Friends Important For Your Soul?

Not too long ago, I was struggling with making good friends. Let me rephrase that. I was struggling with making friends, and in turn, settled for not-so-good friendships. At the time, I had no idea just how much these so-called “friendships” were affecting my own actions and the state of my soul. The New Kid […]

Staying Plugged In

How do we stay connected with our children and teenagers in a post-modern world? Matt has some great examples and ideas so that you are a consistent and natural presence in your youths’ lives. Welcome back to Beyond the Pew. My name is Matt Rice, and we’re continuing with our series on teens and technology. […]

Your Schedule is a Theological Statement

Howdy and welcome back to Beyond the Pew. We are out here recording in the hot sun in front of Brian high school preparing for the new school year to start as I am sure that you are as well. One thing I want to talk about as school is getting started is balance and […]

Welcome to Advent

Hi, welcome back to Beyond the Pew and welcome to Advent! This is one of my favorite seasons in the Church year. It’s a time of hope, a time of waiting, and a time of expecting the Lord to come. So we’re celebrating the Lord coming as a baby. We’re celebrating the Lord coming in […]

Teaching Our Kids to Trust

So today being about one week from Halloween, I was initially going to talk to everybody about self control, setting limits, and making sure nobody ate too much candy.

Slammed Doors

In my prayer this past week, God has slowly been revealing things to me.  On the outside it seems like God is closing slamming doors in my face, but on the inside I know what the Master Planner is doing.  The Master Planner is revealing His divine plan for my life.

The Greatest Adventure

We are humans. We are people of adventure. Just about all of us can look back to our childhood, when our imagination was endless. We were able to turn monkey bars into vine ropes that swing over lava. The pit of colorful balls we had to swim through became a pool of piranhas, just a […]


There’s this game that I’ve seen people play growing up called Mercy. Basically, the point is to restrict the other person and cause them enough pain to make them say the word ‘mercy.’

Do You Trust Me?

I love Disney movies. There are so many great life lessons that I might not have seen while watching as a kid, but I see them now. One such lesson is when Aladdin is floating outside of Jasmine’s massively tall porch.

Walk It Out (God’s Will)

I used to spend too much of my time stressing about my future and what I was supposed to do with it.  What brought me peace in that anxiety was the book of Deuteronomy. I love that book. Through it the Holy Spirit revealed so much to me about following God’s will.