The Problem with Youth Ministry is that it is an Adolescent Itself

Youth ministry is not perfect. Many blogs have recently pointed out the problems Youth Ministry has. It tries to be the primary catechist and takes Sunday nights away from families. It’s not mentioned in the bible and does not have a great retention rate. It cannot hold the same authority that the parents or pastors […]

Parents are no longer the Primary Catechists

Disclaimer: This post speaks in generalities. Yes, there are still many amazing families out there dynamically living out the role as primary catechists which they embraced at marriage and reinforced when their child was baptized. This post speaks to the average church-goer, the one that needs to be won over and introduced to a dynamic […]

5 Simple Steps to Create Engaging Talks

You’ve worked on your talk for weeks in prayer and preparation.  You’re excited to deliver the Truth of Christ to the youth.  Then, as you’re passionately speaking, you look out to see a room filled with glazed over eyes. They have completely checked out. We’ve all been there. Here’s 5 ways to keep your audience […]

4 Movements in Evangelization You Need to Know

For Christmas this year, our one-year-old son received a fisher price basketball hoop. It has been played with for about 40 hours since he got it. His time with the toy amounts to less than an hour. Dad loves it, sisters love it. We recently had some friends over and their son had just seen […]

Preach the Gospel and All Times and When Necessary, Text It.

SMS & Texting technology combined with the character limit of twitter means we are saying more with less. Often the result is a melting pot of grammatical errors and encrypted abbreviations. “Preach d gspel n ll tyms n wen nSSRe, txt It.”   For someone who has been in ministry from the days when cell phones charged 10 cents a text, I love the fact […]