
Where Is Your Happy Place?

Your Happy Place Are you sitting near a stream? Maybe you are in the stands, watching your child perform on the field or the stage? Are you in front of a blank canvas with a brush in hand? You could be sitting on the porch, on a cool morning drinking a cup of coffee? Instead, you may consider […]

13 Reasons Why: A Youth Ministry Perspective

  13 Reasons Why…or Why Not? You’ve seen the various posts on social media. Netflix made a show and teens are watching it. What to Know It’s not a show about suicide, it’s a show about manipulating people through suicide. It’s not a show for teenagers, its rated MA for Mature Adults, I’ve never met […]

10 Ways to get your Family Praying

When it comes to prayer, and the purpose of this post, the term family can take on a variety of meanings. Maybe you are a 20 something in a city distant from those who share your last name, consider your family the group that you eat meals with, hang out with, go to church with. […]

Becoming a Man of Prayer: Part 2

Welcome back to our series for men. I encourage you to share this with the men at your parish, your brothers in Christ, and anyone God has placed in your life who you think would benefit from this series. Last week, we talked about how the world we live in is hurting. Depression, alcoholism, pornography… the […]

Becoming a Man of Prayer: Part 1

This post is the first part of a series dedicated to the men. Through this series, I want to speak to the fathers, sons, and brothers out there on becoming a man of prayer. Wherever you are in your ministry experience, this is for you. We all have room to grow. My name is Matt […]

YM Exposed: Things I Never Thought I’d Do

Whenever you began your youth ministry career you had hopes and aspirations.  You may have been excited to lead teens to Christ, catechize them on the truths of the faith, and build relationships with them.  You probably expected some joys and challenges to take place like teens encountering Christ, occasional difficulties with co-workers or parents, […]

Parents are no longer the Primary Catechists

Disclaimer: This post speaks in generalities. Yes, there are still many amazing families out there dynamically living out the role as primary catechists which they embraced at marriage and reinforced when their child was baptized. This post speaks to the average church-goer, the one that needs to be won over and introduced to a dynamic […]

3 Ways to Instantly Transform Your Relationships with Others

These 3 simple phrases when used more often between you and those you value or love (and even your enemies) can make a significant impact in your relationships with others. A few months ago, one of our deacons shared a link with me to Pope Francis’ Speech to engaged couples on February 14, 2014.  If you […]

5 Dangerous Don’ts of a Parent Meeting

Parent meetings may find themselves on top of your ‘necessary evils’ in ministry list. However, these meetings are your biggest opportunity and one of your most important ministry events. You can inspire, empower, enliven and equip parents at these gatherings. You can win their hearts over for Jesus and lead them to champion their primary […]