Talking About Las Vegas

How do you talk with your teens about what happened in Las Vegas? Gwen has great advice for having a hope-filled discussion when talking about tragedies and events like the mass shooting in Las Vegas.
Share the Vision
Ask any minister and they’ll tell you, “we could never do what we do without our volunteers.” Events, giving talks, leading small groups, being in dramas or skits on retreats… I mean, there’s no way that one minister could dress up as the entire cast from the Hunger Games all by themselves. Volunteers really are […]
Resolve to Listen Better! – 9 “Action” Tips for Listening Success
Have you ever struggled with what to say when? Want to have more intentional conversations with teens, parents, friends, or strangers? Pick one or all of the tips to help you have better conversations with those around you. Love a person where they are – but love them even more to not leave them there. […]
How Not to Hijack Your Youth
As I typed the words “Take Me to Church” into Google on my projected computer screen, I heard a groan escape from one of the girls sitting in the front row. I took the bait and asked her why she was upset. “You’re going to ruin this song for me. I like this song.” […]
You can’t Form Disciples without Community

Humanity, people, you…Every single person comes from community and is drawn to community. The Trinity, a community of 3 persons, one God, breathed us into existence. Biologically it takes a community of a man and a woman to create a child. Sociologically, community is essential in order for the person to develop and thrive.
How to Win with Games in Ministry: Trench Tested Games

Whether you want to get some energy out, build community, or just have fun; when done well a game can be a great way to get the juices flowing and break the ice in a ministry setting. RULES TO SUCCESSFUL GAMES 1. Have the youth in the starting position before you explain the game. Whenever […]
Hearing vs. Listening: What’s the difference? Pt. 1

In my experience of church ministry, I have often found that most people who approach the church are in need of something on their “to do” list, but are also in need of so much more. They are in need of someone to listen to their stories and help them move forward. Since I was […]
3 Ways to Instantly Transform Your Relationships with Others

These 3 simple phrases when used more often between you and those you value or love (and even your enemies) can make a significant impact in your relationships with others. A few months ago, one of our deacons shared a link with me to Pope Francis’ Speech to engaged couples on February 14, 2014. If you […]
Writing Great Discussion Questions

Small groups have become a staple in ministry today. They create community, foster identity and build trust that leads to openness to Jesus Christ. Small groups can be a primary vehicle for people to share their faith, question their faith and encounter a community who loves them and journeys with them. Below are some tips […]