Why Are Your Friends Important For Your Soul?

Not too long ago, I was struggling with making good friends. Let me rephrase that. I was struggling with making friends, and in turn, settled for not-so-good friendships. At the time, I had no idea just how much these so-called “friendships” were affecting my own actions and the state of my soul. The New Kid […]

Who Are Your Child’s Friends?

Who your children spend time with matter! In this video, Matt Rice talks about why it’s important that your sons & daughters learn how to be a good friend by following your example and how you guide them to choosing friends good for them. Welcome back to Beyond the Pew. My name is Matt Rice, […]

Your Schedule is a Theological Statement

Howdy and welcome back to Beyond the Pew. We are out here recording in the hot sun in front of Brian high school preparing for the new school year to start as I am sure that you are as well. One thing I want to talk about as school is getting started is balance and […]

Setting Goals for Your Family This Year

Hello and welcome to Beyond the Pew. August is here and school is officially in session. I remember back when I was starting school, that I was always filled with a little bit of dread when school is about to start but also a little bit of excitement. Dread because oh no we have to […]

Talking About the Faith

Welcome to Beyond the Pew. In today’s episode we’re going to talk about ways we can have conversation about the faith with our children, even when they might not be too excited about that idea.

Receiving Sacraments

Hello. Welcome to Beyond the Pew. As Easter gets closer and so many of our kids will be receiving Sacraments for the first time, whether it be Confirmation or Baptism or their First Communion, we’re going to talk about how to talk to your kids when they receive the Sacrament.

Offer It Up

offer it up, lent, suffering, redemption

Hello and welcome to Beyond the Pew! Today we are talking about the phrase “offer it up.” Many of us, when we were kids, heard that phrase when we stubbed our toe or scraped our knee and our parents would say, “Offer it up!” But what does that phrase actually mean? What are we offering? […]

Was Jesus Weak?

Hi, welcome back to Beyond the Pew. My name is Taylor Schroll and today we’re continuing our series that we began last week on misconceptions about Jesus. Last week Jennifer talked to us about the misconception that Jesus was nice to everyone and was all about peace. Kind of the 1970’s Jesus, if you will.


There’s this game that I’ve seen people play growing up called Mercy. Basically, the point is to restrict the other person and cause them enough pain to make them say the word ‘mercy.’

The Hardest Thing You’ll Ever Do

Retreat. Too much anymore this word is a sign of defeat. It means that you can no longer fight or that you are too weak to go on. The honest truth is that, as humans, we are weak. Retreating is strength. It is recognition that you are not your own savior, but that Christ is.