Parents are no longer the Primary Catechists
Disclaimer: This post speaks in generalities. Yes, there are still many amazing families out there dynamically living out the role as primary catechists which they embraced at marriage and reinforced when their child was baptized. This post speaks to the average church-goer, the one that needs to be won over and introduced to a dynamic […]
Preach the Gospel and All Times and When Necessary, Text It.
SMS & Texting technology combined with the character limit of twitter means we are saying more with less. Often the result is a melting pot of grammatical errors and encrypted abbreviations. “Preach d gspel n ll tyms n wen nSSRe, txt It.” For someone who has been in ministry from the days when cell phones charged 10 cents a text, I love the fact […]
My first drink was in a Gay Bar and I am Grateful
My first legal drink was in a gay bar, and I am grateful. It was just a few days before my 21st birthday and I headed out to Chicago for a spring break mission trip. We were headed downtown to serve with Emmaus Ministries who help male prostitutes get off the streets, build life skills […]
Making a Man Out of You
You know, I really wish I could just go troll Instagram or Facebook without the lustful temptations that seem to be hiding around every other click. In the overly sexualized world that we live in, the idea of our sexuality is being seen less as a gift and more as a right.
School Shootings: Ministering in the Aftermath …an insider’s story
It was a beautiful spring day and, as a junior in high school, I was hoping a teacher would give in to my peers and I begging to have class outside. We were looking forward to prom in just over a week. I’ll never forget that day. It was the day my life forever changed. […]
The Company that Pope Francis Keeps
Last week when I learned about who the president invited to the White House’s welcome of Pope Francis, I was pretty upset.
What Do You Hunger For? Blue Bell vs. Jesus
It was a beautiful April day, that was until Blue Bell Creamery put out a voluntary nationwide recall. It was the great Blue Bell famine of 2015. The long, scorching days of summer dragged on without the palpable taste of Blue Bell on my tongue. The anguishing outcries were felt across the world (that is, […]
O Brother, Where Art Thou?
Throughout my time in ministry, I have noticed one thing that stands true at every level and across all cultures: Men are absent in our Church.
The Fight For Truth
Bodies of migrants and refugees washing up on the shores of beaches. Girls walking out of their school boycotting the decision to let a transgender person use the girls’ locker room. Planned Parenthood severing babies and selling their parts. Christians in Syria being told to convert or die.
This is My Hipster Blog
Recently, I have been obsessed with this idea of being a hipster. This new trend has just been so appealing to me. From the folksy music to the flannel shirts and beanies, the oh so graceful way of sipping chai lattes and the perfectly filtered Instagram posts, this was everything I wanted to take part in. […]